
This is the ‘about’ page for my personal website

Why did I create this website?

Whenever I did a course or project during my education, it was often loaded with new topics and skills I had to learn. Sometimes, the course was of a more theoretical nature, you learned new things but didn’t apply them yet. On multiple occasions in later projects, I realized that I needed the knowledge or skills that I came in touch with earlier. It would help a lot if I would have organized all the knowledge that I had obtained in a archive so I could quickly find things back and freshen up my memory. That is where this website is coming in handy. During my career I can capture all information about skills and topics I obtain knowledge about in a single webpage, even including links and relevant documents.

Simultaneously, this website is used to communicate to colleagues and companies/recruiters what my skill-set and experiences are. Compared to LinkedIn, here I have more freedom and can be more elaborate.

How did I do it?

I created this website making use of Jekyll, the Minimal Mistakes theme that is freely available. This all is hosted on Github Pages. Jekyll was chosen since it was recommended in combination with Github pages. A static site generator helps in easily extending the website later making use of just markdown files to add additional content. Jekyll allowed me to use a predefined theme, which lowers the workload for people having little experience with HTML and CSS.